Bath Branch
Bath Branch




Classes are held weekly from September to May with breaks for half terms, Christmas and Easter. 


Ralph Allen School, Claverton Down Road, Bath BA2 7AD

        Tuesdays           7.30 – 9.30 pm 


Bathampton Village Hall, Holcombe Lane, Bathampton BA2 6UL

        Thursdays          1.30 – 4.30 pm


New and experienced dancers always welcome. If possible, please contact us before coming. 

Class fees can be paid weekly or termly in advance.



Teachers –       Helen Bletso, Ralph Allen

                        Jane Hammond, Bathampton



Contact : ContactUs Page or



Class Dates 2024-2025:


        Ralph Allen

          17 September 2024 to 17 December 2024 excluding 29 October and 10th December

         7 January 2025 to 1st April 2025 excluding 18 February

        22 April 2025 to 20 May 2025



          12 September 2024 to 12 December 2024 excluding 31 October

         2 January 2025 to 3 April 2025 excluding 20 February

       24 April 2025 to 15 May 2025


To make our dancing environment as safe as possible we ask all our dancers not to attend if they are feeling unwell.  We will ensure the dance venue is as well ventilated as possible.



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© RSCDS Bath