Bath Branch
Bath Branch




How to Join


Membership of the Bath Branch of the Royal Scottish Dance Society (RSCDS) requires membership of the RSCDS.  The RSCDS membership subscription for 2024/2025 is £28.


Members will normally pay class fees in advance which allows attendance at the classes held at Ralph Allen and Bathampton Village Hall each week.


If you can only attend class occasionally the fee is £8 per class.

There is no charge for your first class.


Advance payment of class fees is collected in September and January each year.


Fees for 2024/2025

Term 1      September – December        £78  (13 classes)

Term 2      January – May                    £102 (17 classes)


See Bath RSCDS Branch Membership Form for further information.



Data Protection

Members' names, addresses and telephone numbers are recorded so that we know who our members are and can contact them with dance information.  These details are kept by the branch committee and by RSCDS headquarters on databases.  You are entitled to see what has been recorded about you and to request correction if necessary.  We take your privacy seriously; your details will not be passed to any other organisation.


RSCDS Bath will contact you by e-mail whenever possible.  Members without e-mail addresses will receive a printed copy of communications.




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